Lost In Space 1 & 2 (of 3)
Issue 1 (40 pages) £7.50 incl p&p
Our first issue presents a selection of rarely seen relics curated by our dedicated team of outer space archaeologists. We’ve got intestines, regurgitation, retirement, the cost of warfare, embarrassing underpants, a skull shattering Octopus and more, all wrapped up with a murderous cliffhanger. Lost In Space 1 also comes with a detailed historical narrative providing some insight into the early Hatcher method.
Issue 2 (44 pages) £7.50 incl p&p
This mid-section of our Lost In Space trilogy contains an action packed (and surely copyright-infringing) adventure with some of comics' most famous stars. It completely kicks off of course before order is restored but then it all kicks off again. In the meantime two alien buddies drink far more than they should over six pages. There are also many other pages all of which contain jolly amusing jokes.